Results for 'Ella M. Crawford'

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  1.  26
    The Hindu Tantric World: An Overview by André Padoux.Ella M. Crawford & J. M. Fritzman - 2022 - Philosophy East and West 72 (3):1-5.
    André Padoux was among a small number of scholars, including Harvey P. Alper and Lilian Silburn, who introduced the study of Tantra to Western scholars. He authored such important works as Vāc: The Concept of the Word in Selected Hindu Tantras and Tantric Mantras: Studies on Mantrasastra. Padoux's 2017 Hindu Tantric World: An Overview is a significant revision of his 2010 Comprendre le tantrisme: Les sources hindoues.Padoux seeks to discover what constitutes Tantric Hinduism by investigating its essential notions and its (...)
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  2.  28
    Language is not merely a means of communication: Charles Taylor: The language animal: The full shape of the human linguistic capacity. Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2016, 368pp, $35.00 HB.J. M. Fritzman & Ella M. Crawford - 2017 - Metascience 27 (1):123-125.
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  3.  14
    Women as Australian Citizens: Underlying Histories.Patricia M. Crawford, Philippa Crawford & Philippa C. Maddern - 2001 - Melbourne University.
    Academic examination of the role of women as Australian citizens. Asks what it means to be a woman citizen in Australia today. Questions male domination of Australian public political life. Examines the histories of citizenship for Australian women of different ethnic and cultural backgrounds, showing how gender has been central to the construction of citizenship. Demonstrates how the masculinisation of citizenship has marginalised women's activities as citizens. Includes notes, select bibliography, notes on contributors and index. Editors both teach history at (...)
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    Dispatches from U.S. Feminist Judgments 2022 Summer Feminist Legal Theory Series: Spotlight on New Books in the Field—Gender, Race and Diversity in the Centre of the Conversation.Kathryn M. Stanchi & Bridget J. Crawford - 2023 - Feminist Legal Studies 31 (3):395-397.
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  5.  18
    Sequential versus organized rehearsal.Richard M. Weist & Charlotte Crawford - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 101 (2):237.
  6.  45
    ‘Best clinical practice’: assessment of processes of care and of outcomes in the US Military Health Services System.Henry Krakauer, Monica Jia-Yeong Lin, Eric M. Schone, Dae Park, Richard C. Miller, Jeffrey Greenwald, R. Clifton Bailey, Barbara Rogers, Geoffrey Bernstein, David E. Lilienfeld, Sidney M. Stahl, Raymond S. Crawford & David C. Schutt - 1998 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 4 (1):11-29.
  7. Problems in using health survey questionnaires in older patients with physical disabilities. The reliability and validity of the SF‐36 and the effect of cognitive impairment.D. Gwyn Seymour, Anne E. Ball, Elizabeth M. Russell, William R. Primrose, Andrew M. Garratt & John R. Crawford - 2001 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 7 (4):411-418.
  8.  17
    An experimental note on Tversky’ s “features of similarity”.Paul S. Siegel, David M. McCord & Alice Reagan Crawford - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 19 (3):141-142.
  9.  25
    Researchers Keep Rejecting Grandmother Cells after Running the Wrong Experiments: The Issue Is How Familiar Stimuli Are Identified.Jeffrey S. Bowers, Nicolas D. Martin & Ella M. Gale - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (8):1800248.
    There is widespread agreement in neuroscience and psychology that the visual system identifies objects and faces based on a pattern of activation over many neurons, each neuron being involved in representing many different categories. The hypothesis that the visual system includes finely tuned neurons for specific objects or faces for the sake of identification, so‐called “grandmother cells”, is widely rejected. Here it is argued that the rejection of grandmother cells is premature. Grandmother cells constitute a hypothesis of how familiar visual (...)
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  10.  48
    Affect biases memory of location: Evidence for the spatial representation of affect.L. Elizabeth Crawford, Skye M. Margolies, John T. Drake & Meghan E. Murphy - 2006 - Cognition and Emotion 20 (8):1153-1169.
  11. The limits of neuro-talk.M. B. Crawford - 2010 - In James J. Giordano & Bert Gordijn, Scientific and Philosophical Perspectives in Neuroethics. Cambridge University Press.
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  12.  9
    Experimental results on the crossover point in random 3-SAT.James M. Crawford & Larry D. Auton - 1996 - Artificial Intelligence 81 (1-2):31-57.
  13.  26
    Dissociable Effects of Monetary, Liquid, and Social Incentives on Motivation and Cognitive Control.Jennifer L. Crawford, Debbie M. Yee, Haijing W. Hallenbeck, Ashton Naumann, Katherine Shapiro, Renee J. Thompson & Todd S. Braver - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  14.  30
    Emotion in motion: perceiving fear in the behaviour of individuals from minimal motion capture displays.Matthew T. Crawford, Christopher Maymon, Nicola L. Miles, Katie Blackburne, Michael Tooley & Gina M. Grimshaw - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (4):451-462.
    The ability to quickly and accurately recognise emotional states is adaptive for numerous social functions. Although body movements are a potentially crucial cue for inferring emotions, few studies have studied the perception of body movements made in naturalistic emotional states. The current research focuses on the use of body movement information in the perception of fear expressed by targets in a virtual heights paradigm. Across three studies, participants made judgments about the emotional states of others based on motion-capture body movement (...)
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  15.  23
    Obscenity and Public Morality.Donald W. Crawford & Harry M. Clor - 1970 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 4 (3):139.
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  16.  18
    Eye Gaze and Aging: Selective and Combined Effects of Working Memory and Inhibitory Control.Trevor J. Crawford, Eleanor S. Smith & Donna M. Berry - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11:298724.
    Eye-tracking is increasingly studied as a cognitive and biological marker for the early signs of neuropsychological and psychiatric disorders. However, in order to make further progress, a more comprehensive understanding of the age-related effects on eye-tracking is essential. The antisaccade task requires participants to make saccadic eye movements away from a prepotent stimulus. Speculation on the cause of the observed age-related differences in the antisaccade task largely centers around two sources of cognitive dysfunction: inhibitory control (IC) and working memory (WM). (...)
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  17.  76
    R. K. Sherk: Rome and the Greek East to the Death of Augustus. (Translated Documents of Greece and Rome, 4.) Pp. xviii + 182. Cambridge University Press, 1984. £20 (paper, £7.95).M. H. Crawford - 1988 - The Classical Review 38 (2):435-436.
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  18.  42
    Antoine Morillon, antiquarian and medallist.M. H. Crawford - 1998 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 61 (1):93-110.
  19.  53
    Colloquio Internazionale AIEGL: Bartolomeo Borghesi. Scienza e libertà. Pp. 532. Bologna: Pàtron, 1982. Paper.M. Crawford - 1985 - The Classical Review 35 (1):227-227.
  20.  5
    Developments in Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology.John R. Crawford & Denis M. Parker (eds.) - 1989 - Springer.
    The chapters published in this volume developed from presentations, and their associated discussions at a conference organised by the Scottish Branch of the British Psychological Society, held at Rothesay, Isle of Bute, Scotland in September 1987. The goal of the conference was to bring together workers across a wide area of neuropsychological research to discuss recent technological advances, developments in assessment and rehabilitation, and to address theoretical issues of current interest. Thus, the chapters in this book include contributions on the (...)
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  21.  40
    In Re Intention.J. M. B. Crawford & John F. Quinn - 1977 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 51 (1):187 - 219.
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  22. Pavlovian sexual conditioning-omission contingency tests.Ll Crawford & M. Domjan - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (6):442-442.
  23.  83
    Roman Villas.M. H. Crawford - 1972 - The Classical Review 22 (03):385-.
  24.  22
    Tractability considerations in deduction.James M. Crawford - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (2):343-343.
  25.  44
    Disclosure of genetic information within families: a case report.G. C. Crawford & A. M. Lucassen - 2008 - Clinical Ethics 3 (1):7-10.
    There has been much discussion about what, if any, legal and moral duties professionals have to disclose relevant genetic information to the family members of someone with an identified disease predisposing mutation. Here, we present a case report where dissemination of such a genetic test result did not take place within a family. In contrast to previous literature, there appeared to be no deliberate withholding of information, instead distant relatives were unable to communicate relevant information appropriately. When communication was facilitated (...)
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  26. M. S. Bassignano: Supplementa Italica, Nuova Serie 15, Ateste. Pp. 237, photos. Rome: Edizioni Quasar, 1997. L. 70,000. ISBN: 88-7140-115-8. [REVIEW]M. H. Crawford - 2001 - The Classical Review 51 (1):182-182.
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  27.  96
    M. C. Spadoni: Reate. II. L’Antiquaria. Pp. 160. Pisa and Rome: Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali, 1998. Paper. ISBN: 88-8147-144-2. [REVIEW]M. H. Crawford - 2000 - The Classical Review 50 (1):346-347.
  28.  56
    M. Guarducci, S. Panciera : CIL: Supplementa Italica. Pp. 237. Rome: Edizioni Quasar, 1997. L. 70,000. ISBN: 88-7140-115-8. [REVIEW]M. H. Crawford - 2000 - The Classical Review 50 (2):637-637.
  29.  59
    Inscriptions from Canusium M. Chelotti, R. Gaeta, V. Morizio, M. Silvestrini, F. Grelle, M. Pani: Le epigrafi romane di Canosa, I. (Ricognizione delle testimonianze archeologiche nella valle dell' Ofanto.) Pp. xx + 296; numerous figures. Bari: Università di Bari, Regione Puglia, 1985. Paper. [REVIEW]M. H. Crawford - 1989 - The Classical Review 39 (02):353-354.
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  30.  75
    Samnite epigraphy M. Buonocore: L'abruzzo E il molise in età Romana tra storia E epigrafia in two volumes. Pp. 1116, map, pls. L'aquila: Edizioni libreria colacchi, 2002. €52. [REVIEW]M. H. Crawford - 2003 - The Classical Review 53 (02):458-.
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  31.  79
    Healthcare professionals' and researchers' understanding of cancer genetics activities: a qualitative interview study.N. Hallowell, S. Cooke, G. Crawford, M. Parker & A. Lucassen - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (2):113-119.
    Aims: To describe individuals’ perceptions of the activities that take place within the cancer genetics clinic, the relationships between these activities and how these relationships are sustained. Design: Qualitative interview study. Participants: Forty individuals involved in carrying out cancer genetics research in either a clinical (n = 28) or research-only (n = 12) capacity in the UK. Findings: Interviewees perceive research and clinical practice in the subspecialty of cancer genetics as interdependent. The boundary between research and clinical practice is described (...)
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  32.  69
    Research ethics: An investigation of patients’ motivations for their participation in genetics-related research.N. Hallowell, S. Cooke, G. Crawford, A. Lucassen & M. Parker - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (1):37-45.
    Design: Qualitative interview study. Participants: Fifty-nine patients with a family history of cancer who attend a regional cancer genetics clinic in the UK were interviewed about their current and previous research experiences. Findings: Interviewees gave a range of explanations for research participation. These were categorised as social—research participation benefits the wider society by progressing science and improving treatment for everyone; familial—research participation may improve healthcare and benefit current or future generations of the participant’s family; and personal—research participation provides therapeutic or (...)
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  33.  42
    A. Clementi (ed.) I campi aperti di Peltuinum dove tramonta il sole. Saggi sulla terra di Prata D'Ansidonia dalla protostoria all' età moderna (Studi sulla Storia del Territorio 1.) Pp. 630, maps, b/w & colour pls. L'Aquila: Deputazione Abruzzese di Storia Patria, 2007. Cased. ISBN: 978-88-88676-40-1. [REVIEW]M. H. Crawford - 2013 - The Classical Review 63 (1):299-299.
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  34.  34
    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Linda Crawford, Stafford Kay, Jorge Jeria, Kenneth C. Schmidt, Edmund C. Short, Donald A. Dellow, Lewis E. Cloud, M. M. Chambers, George L. Dowd, L. David Weller Jr, J. J. Chambliss, Paul Nash, Robert V. Bullough Jr, Michael V. Belok & George D. Dalin - 1980 - Educational Studies 11 (1):67-91.
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  35.  51
    Buonocore Theodor Mommsen e gli studi sul mondo antico. Dalle sue lettere conservate nella biblioteca apostolica vaticana. Pp. xvi + 427. Naples: Jovene, 2003. Paper, €35. ISBN: 978-88-243-1492-3. - Buonopane, Buora, Marcone La ricerca epigrafica e antiquaria nelle Venezie dall'età napoleonica all'unità. Pp. viii + 384, ills, maps. Florence: Le Monnier Università, 2007. Paper, €28. ISBN: 978-88-00-20724-9. - Buonocore Tra i codici epigrafici della Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana. Pp. 437, ill. Faenza: Fratelli Lega, 2004. Paper, €160. ISBN: 978-88-7594-024-9. [REVIEW]M. H. Crawford - 2010 - The Classical Review 60 (1):318-319.
  36.  31
    Gionta Epigrafi a umanistica a Roma. Pp. 215, pls. Messina: Università degli studi di Messina, Centro di studi umanistici, 2005. Paper, €50. ISBN: 978-88-87541-26-7. Gionta Iconografi a erodianea. Poliziano e le monete di Lorenzo. Pp. xvi + 79, pls. Messina: Università degli studi di Messina, Centro di studi umanistici, 2008. Paper, €60. ISBN: 978-88-87541-36-6. [REVIEW]M. H. Crawford - 2011 - The Classical Review 61 (1):319-320.
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  37.  38
    Family and state in early Rome B. Linke: Von der verwandschaft zum Staat. Die entstehung politischer organisationsformen in der frührömischen geschichte . Pp. X + 214. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner verlag, 1995. Paper, dm 88. isbn: 3-515-06497-. [REVIEW]M. H. Crawford - 2003 - The Classical Review 53 (01):156-.
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  38.  50
    Familia Caesaris - P. R. C. Weaver: Familia Caesaris. A Social Study of the Emperor's Freedmen and Slaves. Pp. xii + 330. Cambridge University Press, 1972. Cloth, £6·00. [REVIEW]M. H. Crawford - 1976 - The Classical Review 26 (01):102-103.
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  39.  28
    J. Bleicken: Cicero und die Ritter. (Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen, philologisch-historische Klasse, dritte Folge, 213.) Pp. 128. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1995. Paper, DM 42. ISBN: 3-525-82602-8. [REVIEW]M. H. Crawford - 2001 - The Classical Review 51 (2):431-433.
  40.  56
    J. Linderski : Imperium sine Fine: T. Robert S. Broughton and the Roman Republic. Pp. x + 233, 10 figs. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 1996. Paper, DM 76. ISBN: 3-515-06948-8. [REVIEW]M. H. Crawford - 1999 - The Classical Review 49 (2):603-604.
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  41.  46
    Lucania and Bruttium L. Cappelletti: Lucani e Brettii. Ricerche sulla storia politica e istituzionale di due popoli dell'Italia antica . Pp. xiii + 296. New York, etc.: Peter Lang, 2002. ISBN: 3-631-37712-. [REVIEW]M. H. Crawford - 2005 - The Classical Review 55 (02):625-.
  42.  31
    N. Criniti Mantissa Veleiate. (Epigrafia e Antichità 32.) Pp. 206, ills, maps. Faenza: Fratelli Lega Editori, 2013. Paper. ISBN: 978-88-7594-108-6. [REVIEW]M. H. Crawford - 2015 - The Classical Review 65 (2):617-617.
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  43.  29
    Olcese G. Le anfore greco italiche di Ischia: archeologia e archeometria. Artigianato ed economia nel Golfo di Napoli. Rome: Immensa Aequora, 2010. Pp. 480, illus. €60. 9788871404509. [REVIEW]M. H. Crawford - 2013 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 133:273-274.
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  44.  45
    P. Simelon: La propriété en Lucanie depuis les Gracques jusqu’à l’avènement des Sévères. (Collection Latomus 220.) Pp. 216, 5 maps. Brussels: Latomus, 1993. Paper, Belg. frs. 1100. ISBN: 2-87031-16-5. [REVIEW]M. H. Crawford - 2000 - The Classical Review 50 (1):344-344.
  45.  52
    Republican legislation K. Sandberg: Magistrates and assemblies. A study of legislative practice in republican Rome . (Acta instituti Romani finlandiae 24.) pp. 4 + VI + 214. Rome: Finnish institute at Rome, 2001. Isbn: 952-5323-01-. [REVIEW]M. H. Crawford - 2004 - The Classical Review 54 (01):171-.
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  46.  43
    S. Orlandi, (ed.) Edizione Nazionale delle Opere di Pirro Ligorio. Libro delle iscrizioni latine e greche. (Napoli 7.) Pp. xx + 500, ills. Rome: De Luca Editori d'Arte, 2008. Cased, €150. ISBN: 978-88-8016-891-1. [REVIEW]M. H. Crawford - 2013 - The Classical Review 63 (1):301-302.
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  47.  49
    S. Randazzo: Leges Mancipii. Contributo allo studio dei limiti di rilevanza dell’accordo negli atti formali di alienazione. (Pubblicazioni della Facoltá di Giurisprudenza, Nuova Serie 160.) Pp. ii + 192. Milan: Universitá di Catania, 1998. Paper, L. 24,000. ISBN: 88-14-07466-6. [REVIEW]M. H. Crawford - 2003 - The Classical Review 53 (1):261-261.
  48.  36
    Tabvlae Meyer Legitimacy and Law in the Roman World. Tabulae in Roman Belief and Practice. Pp. xvi + 353, ills. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. Cased, £50, US$75. ISBN: 978-0-521-49701-5. [REVIEW]M. H. Crawford - 2012 - The Classical Review 62 (2):588-589.
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  49.  19
    (T.) Figueira The Power of Money. Coinage and Politics in the Athenian Empire. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1998. Pp. xx+ 628. 0812234413. $49.95/£ 46.95. [REVIEW]M. H. Crawford - 2001 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 121:199-201.
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  50.  78
    The Middle Republic C. Bruun (ed.): The Roman Middle Republic. Politics, Religion, and Historiography c. 400–133 BC. Papers from a conference at the Institutum Romanum Finlandiae, September 11–12, 1998 . (Acta Instituti Romani Finlandiae 23.) Pp. x + 310, figs. Rome: Institutum Romanum Finlandiae, 2000. Paper. ISBN: 952-5323-00-. [REVIEW]M. H. Crawford - 2001 - The Classical Review 51 (02):331-.
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